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Erin Mullins Sanderson (you may know her as Fit Rocker Chick!) is a multi-passionate visionary and no stranger to stepping into the unknown.
She gives us the deets on how she’s been able to successfully branch out into new spaces and find that sweet spot by co-creating with her audience + allowing them to guide her.
Want to do the same? Just look to your audience 😉
Erin is an internationally recognized style influencer, non-toxic beauty junkie, skilled musician, thyroid health advocate, and online personality.
What were your biggest lightbulb moments from this episode? Take a screen shot and let us know (@heyjencasey and @fitrockerchick)
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- What is possible when you invite your audience to co-create your community and shape the content you are creating (pssst – they want from you what you want to give!
- How Erin stepped into the physical product world and created a skincare line with NO blueprint
- All about connecting, growing, & cultivating a dialogue with your audience
- The significance of remaining a visionary during different seasons of business
Meet Your
Podcast Host
Jen Casey is a Master Coach and Trainer of the Psyche Coaching Certification, Energy Healer, Speaker, & host of the Top-100 CEO Psyche® Podcast.
Through bringing together her love of psychology, the subconscious mind, and energetics, along with her passion for online marketing, program design, and masterful facilitation, she helps online coaches design transformational client experiences from marketing and creation — to coaching and facilitation.
She knows building a world-class coaching business, starts with becoming a world-class coach. To follow along with Jen’s work, follow her on IG @heyjencasey, or learn more about her latest offerings at heyjencasey.com.