Episode 214

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Do you ever judge thoughts you think, pushing them away, and tell yourself to “stay positive,” even though the thoughts continue to pop up? Or Quickly reframe the way you look at something even though it’s a chronic, recurring problem? Or notice a thought or emotion rise up and immediately jump to doing something to fix it?

If you said yes to any of those — or if that sounds like a client, team member, friend, or family member, you’ll want to keep listening!

Today I am joined by Alexandra Covucci, international coach for visionaries, transformational leaders and coaches who are ready to expand beyond their limitations and lead with mastery in their business and being.

In this one, we deep dive into how to honor our inner world, recognize our trauma-response patterns, and give ourselves love by cultivating the space for expression.

In this episode, you’ll learn:
  • The new paradigm of the coaching industry: How the healing process of shadow integration work allows you to meet needs on a healthier level
  • The FOUR questions you can ask yourself to begin your own journey into shadow work
  • What commonly prevents people from taking first steps into doing shadow-work and how you can use this awareness to increase your capacity to receive and be seen
  • The go-to activity for beginning to cultivate the space for emotional expression
  • The difference between conscious energy and unconscious energy
  • Re-examining the “tools in our toolbox”  for vibrational match and alignment


“As much as we need to be experts in the space of marketing or selling or coaching or leading. We also need to be experts at ourselves so that we can understand what we need. Right? Because ultimately, we are the driver, we’re the conductor, we’re the architect, we’re the blueprints – we are everything that we are building. And so if we’re not deeply becoming an expert in ourselves, than we are at such risk for self-abandonment.”

(On understanding trauma responses): “Being able to look into [that] requires understanding ourselves, knowing ourselves, listening to ourselves, hearing ourselves, having patience in ourselves the way that we would with anybody that we’re in love with or want to have a relationship with.”

“There is huge a fear around, ‘if I acknowledge this, I will become it.’”

“Our conscious energy is not the same as our unconscious energy. And the things that we avoid, are actually receiving a lot more energy to keep them repressed than if we just look at them, excavate them, heal them, work through them – and then we actually have a f**k-ton of energy that we get to put towards our vision.”

“Everything that you do – you’re doing on behalf of yourself.”

“Once you get comfortable with this kind of inner-work – shadow-integration, inner-child work – resistance becomes just meeting another part of yourself. Right? It doesn’t become this thing that you have to fight, because the fight is over. It’s really like ‘Oh. Another part of me needs me. How do I show this aspect – First of all, how do I understand it? And then, how do I get it on board in a healthy way.”

(On the benefits of understanding shadow work): “I’m leaning into a path that I’m forging. And, that’s going to come with weeds, and that’s going to come with branches and that’s going to come with a lot of stuff that, I’m going to have to, like, move out of the way.”

“A lot of repression, is lack of expression.”

“We tend to want to “logic” our way out of any issues. A lot of the time, overthinking is also a trauma response. Right? Like, we were taught as children, it might not be safe for us to have an emotional experience. And, if you grew up in an area or a community, or a family in which emotional expression wasn’t prioritized or even had space made for it. A lot of the time over-thinking, is the brain trying to do the body’s job.”

“We are walking permission slips. The extent to which we are giving permission to others, is the extent to which we’ve given permission to ourselves.”


Mentioned in the episode:
Tony Robbins cures stuttering
Holotropic Breathwork for moving stuck energy:

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Meet Your Podcast 
 Host & Guest

Jamie King - Bio Headshot

Jen Casey is a brain-based business coach, speaker, & host of the top-rated CEO Psyche Podcast. Through her signature program, Primed to Buy, Jen teaches her brain-based approach to designing launch content that gets clients excited to buy before enrollment even opens!

When Jen isn’t working, you can find her jamming out to Broadway soundtracks, becoming best friends with every dog she meets, & introvert-ing on the couch with her fiancé, Michael.

Jamie King - Bio Headshot
Alexandra Covucci

Alexandra Covucci is an international coach helping visionaries, transformational leaders and coaches expand beyond their limitations and lead with mastery in their business and being.

She works with high-achieving women who are experts at what they DO become experts at who they ARE, so they can expand their income, impact, and intimacy with self and others. She helps leaders change their intellectual, emotional, and actionable strategies from the inside-out so they can begin seeing or continue to see massive results in their lives.

For more information on Alexandra Covucci, visit the link below:

Alexandra Covucci

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