Today I’m known by many as a brain-based business coach, master mindset coach, speaker, host of the CEO Psyche podcast, and creator of the Psyche Coaching Certification.
I’m here to help people BREAK THROUGH those INVISIBLE BLOCKS to BECOME THE COACH, HEALER, & LEADER they were born to be.
Through weaving my study of psychology, the subconscious mind, and energetics, along with my passion for online marketing, program design, and masterful facilitation —
I help online coaches design transformational client experiences from marketing and creation — to coaching and facilitation.
If you’ve been in the coaching space for any length of time, then you already know that building a world-class coaching business, starts with becoming a world-class coach.
And inside the Psyche Coaching Certification, D.I.Y. Courses, and Top-Ranking Podcast, CEO Psyche®, you’ll get the steps, techniques, and embodied practices, to build your dream coaching business.
For most of my young life, I was an insecure, quiet girl, who felt like the side-kick in her own story.
My true life path shifted in catalyst moment in 2011, just weeks before I started my first online business and graduated from college with my psychology degree.
I was, sitting in my car between class, journaling in the notes section of my iPhone, wondering if I should continue on right away to continue on in a Doctorate program, when a voice came through loud and clear, that was not my own. I know now it was my spirit guides connecting with me for the very first time… I wrote it down what they said:
“Feed Your Soul”.
In the weeks to follow I auditioned and was accepted into a prestigious Acting Conservatory, and started a side hustle selling workout programs, unknowingly being introduced to the world of personal development, and a newly emerging world of online business and social media marketing, that would, over the next 10 years, evolve into a 7-Figure business, helping thousands of coaches, course creators, and service-based entrepreneurs.

Betting on ME.
Flash forward to 2014…
I found myself back at my thankless restaurant job that I had worked at since I was 19… but with all the personal growth I had done, and the money I was starting to make in my online business, I felt empowered for the first time in my life.
You see, just a few days earlier, on April 1, 2014, I wrote my goal, as if it was already done, that I had made $100k in my business.
— And while I didn’t know how, I knew I was going to turn my vision into a reality.
Raising my Standards
It was Easter, April 20th, 2014, and I left my family gathering to go to work. There I was standing in the empty bar section, when I asked my manager if I could leave early, (which was a very normal practice.)
He said to me, “If you have no tables and nothing to do, why don’t you get on your hands and knees and clean the base of the bar.”
I thought he was joking…
He wasn’t.
I stood there in protest, arms crossed, lump in my throat, heat rising into my face, choking back tears, with my eyes and nose burning from the chemical cleaner, as I watched my 16-year-old coworkers, (who hadn’t yet learned how to say no,) put on gloves and dove head first into the grime.
I went into the bathroom, leaned against the cold tile and cried tears of relief, because I knew I was finally done. When I put in my two weeks, the general manager, who was the leader of this toxic “family” said, “Well, you’re a dime a dozen.”
I decided I was going to go ALL IN on my own business.
And I never looked back.

Unfortunately, not everyone could see the size and clarity of my vision…
When I told my parents, they were concerned.
When I told my friends, they were confused.
But when I told my now fiancé, he was like, “Do what makes you happy!” #keeper
Now, in hindsight, I GET their hesitance…
- I had no social media following
- I didn’t know what an email list was
- Oh, I also had NO six-figure program ideas — at least not YET.
I dove back into the health and fitness company I had been a part of, achieving company accolades for top sales, and paid vacations, but…
I realized my vision and mission had outgrown that company and that niche.
It was time to get uncomfortable.

In early 2016, a dear friend said,“I want to hire you
as my business coach” – and that was when I knew it was time to finally turn my vision into a reality.
In 2016, I started showing up on social media in my new niche, weaving together social media and psychology, speaking to the strategy and the subconscious, and things took off… very quickly.
Manifesting my Vision
Two and a half years after I wrote that initial goal to create a six-figure program, it happened.
I thought that I had arrived.
This is the internet DREAM I had been sold since day 1, right?
Well, yes and no….

In the months to follow, working with hundreds of students, and crossing $600k in revenue… I started to notice some patterns within the industry and within my coaching program that did not feel aligned.
In every online program I took, I saw the same trends in the students, where some would thrive, and others would hide.
And this is where things really started to shift within my coaching approach.
You’d always have:
The rockstars, who show up, implement, and get results.
The underdogs, who have so much potential, who just kept doubting themselves.
The cheerleaders, who pour into others, sometimes putting their work second.
The complainers, who only showed up to vent about something in their business.
The observers, who never post anything IN the group, but read every post.
The ghosts, who invest, but never even log in to the program.
Have you ever wondered… “Why do some clients struggle, while others get incredible results?”
This became my question.
SO much of the industry just accepted this old idea that you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t force it to drink… but I KNEW there was more, a lot more that could be done to create more supported, inclusive, and safe spaces.
In 2017, after attending a large-scale coaching event, I came home feeling both elated and overwhelmed because I HAD FOUND WHAT I HAD BEEN MISSING —

The Missing Link…
I immediately began deepening my study in coaching certifications and trainings, and as I began implementing what I was learning inside my coaching programs, the way in which my clients showed up completely shifted.
The quality of their questions changed. They began empowered. They were excited. They believed it was possible for them. The clients who previously self-identified as the underdog who couldn’t catch a break, suddenly reclaimed their power.
And guess what? It kept people engaged in the process, attending calls, asking clear questions, doing the work, and getting results. And if that’s what you’re here to do for your clients, then you’re in the right place.
I had finally learned that the best way I could HELP PEOPLE, was to empower them to HELP THEMSELVES.
And many of them began asking me, “Where can I learn how to do that??”
Inspired Action.
And that was the initial spark that led me to building the Psyche Coaching Certification, the professional, multi-certification program that I run today.
If you’re asking those same questions, then I invite you to join us inside the Psyche Coaching Certification, where I teach all of my processes and techniques in depth, where you’ll receive support to really master your coaching craft.

There’s more to this story because it just keeps being written…

Awakening My Spiritual Gifts & Channeling Energy Healing

Sitting in Sacred Ceremony with Ayahuasca for the first time

Kambo Experience, A cleansing of my Body & Spirit
While I lead many conversations, this is one where I will be a forever student.
As a white, cisgender, heterosexual, able-bodied woman, with higher education, no dependents, and financial support, (among my many other privileges,) living on Munsee Lenape and Canarsie land, I hold many privileges that I did absolutely nothing to earn. As a coach, trainer, and human being, I am deeply committed to unlearning, healing, divesting, and relearning — and to upholding the Psyche Coaching Certification company, as well as the coaches certified through us, to this commitment of continuous study. I know for myself that deconstructing these deeper layers of colonial, capitalistic, patriarchal lens within my subconscious has made a profound impact on how I teach, coach, and see the world, and it’s something I will continue to be a student in.
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