by Jennifer Casey | Mar 12, 2018 | Business
Should you leave your network marketing company?How do you know when?How do you know if you should? Is it the right time? I get asked this on probably a weekly basis from some amazing women and entrepreneurs. This is something that not a lot of people feel comfortable...
by Jennifer Casey | Mar 12, 2018 | Business, Mindset
I have to ask you… do you ever feel like you have no idea what to talk about in a live video? You have no idea what to post about, and you can’t even find a good picture to post on Instagram. You just feel like everybody else has this on lock. Everybody else...
by Jennifer Casey | Mar 9, 2018 | Business, Social Media Marketing
Today I want to discuss how to overcome the fear of success and to receive abundance in your business, and we have two very special guests: Kris Britton and Lauren Eliz!Kris (will be labeled as KB) is a spiritual life coach and success coach who helps women dissolve...
by Jennifer Casey | Mar 9, 2018 | Business, Mindset
EMBRACING YOUR GROWTH & BRAND EVOLUTION IN BUSINESS | 102 If you want your followers to say things like, “Wow. I get her. She’s in my head!” — then you’ve got to learn from the best! Tiffany Lee Bymaster, a.k.a. Coach Glitter is a sought after...
by Jennifer Casey | Mar 9, 2018 | Business
You launch your program, you open the cart… and no one buys. I hear this a lot in the entrepreneur space, and people seem to be really confused as to what went wrong. “Did I make a mistake? It seemed like things were going well.”“I worked so hard on it. I...