Here, on this page, we have your next steps for enrollment in the Psyche Coaching Certification.

Scroll down to complete the first two steps.

STEP 1: Complete the application below.

STEP 2: Book Your Admissions Call.

STEP 3: If we decide it’s an aligned fit, we will send you our enrollment page, where you’ll gain access to all of the bonus and pre-study certification trainings, to begin learning new coaching skills right away.

*Our Next 6-Month Cohort Begins October 11th.

STEP 1: Complete the Application Below

*We ask that you please be thorough and complete this to the best of your ability.

The intention of this call is to make sure that The Psyche Certification is an aligned fit for you, and to go over any questions or certification details before you enroll. By submitting your application, you are not committing to enrolling. The intention of this call is to help you make an aligned, informed decision.

 As you complete this form, please take the necessary time to answer the questions thoughtfully and in their entirety so we can best serve you on the enrollment call.

Please review the Certification page in full prior to the call, so that we can best serve you.


STEP 2: Book Your Admissions Call

*Please review the certification information page prior to your call, so that we can help answer any questions you may have. It is also common not to have any questions.

*Add the call to your calendar to make sure you are on time. 

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