Energy Clearing Facilitation

— with Jen Casey

A space for coaches, healers, and seekers to feel held in receiving. If you have a desire to release stuck energy & more deeply awaken your gifts, then this is for you.

Energy Clearing Facilitation

— with Jen Casey

A space for coaches, healers, and seekers to feel held in receiving. If you have a desire to release stuck energy & more deeply awaken your gifts, then this is for you.

If you’re like most of my clients before they came for an energy clearing, you’ve tried many healing modalities, but still feel like you have this “invisible block” that you can’t quite seem to clear and integrate.

Clients come to me with things like…

– Chronic tightness or discomfort in an area that no one can medically explain.
– Lower vibration emotions that, no matter how much you talk about them to explore your feelings, it is always there.
– Negative thought patterns that loop or pop up at inconvenient moments, distracting you and keeping you playing small.
– The desire to awaken and open spiritual gifts, without an understanding of how to unlock that in yourself.

And, if you’re here, chances are you’ve already intuited that it’s time to go beyond just about looking at the body and mind for answers… it’s time to repair, rebalance, and awaken the entire energetic field.

Jen held such a beautiful safe space for me to release and finally let go of things that were no longer serving me.

She is a beautiful soul with such amazing gifts and it is not possible to fully put into words how great the session was.

I came across Jen a few years ago and really wanted to have a session with her… Then one day I got the ping that I needed to work with her and booked an energy clearing session with her. I had a specific intention for the session but it actually went WAY beyond that.

We worked through so much shame and grief I was carrying, not only my own but things I had being carrying for my family lineage.

If you are feeling the pull to work with Jen do it!!! She is magical and her session was so powerful. I am already excited for the next time I get the ping to work with her.”


I would highly recommend Jen, she’s one incredible mentor and coach in this medium.

I’ve been receiving energy therapy and practicing Breathwork since 2007 and it has blown me away of how much energy transformation & healing I received just during the live group sessions via zoom from Jen in the past 2 sessions!

I never thought this was even possible in a non-in-person interactive physical space.

I’m so honored & blessed to be able to receive this level of healing from you Jen! Thank you for creating this space for all of us with your generous time and energy. Can’t wait to grow with you furthermore!”


Inside A Session… 

Watch Jen facilitate a live, in-person experience.

• Q: What does it look like? What are some things you can help to clear?

If you watched the video above, you’ll get an idea of how it *can* look. I emphasize *can* because each session and each client is different, at different stages of life, with different intentions, different desired outcomes. No two sessions are exactly alike.

That said, if you’re experiencing a feeling of stuck or resistance, emotions like shame, guilt, anger, sadness, etc, chronic physical ailments, limiting beliefs or looping thought patterns, — and/or a desire to activate your spiritual gifts, open your light language channel, etc. then energy clearing can support you.

Things I’ve witnessed with clients:

One client came to me because she felt ungrounded and we ended up…. clearing childhood sexual trauma and healing her birth trauma and mother wound. In the session she was sounding, as though she was giving birth herself, receiving powerful visions, farting 50+ times in a row, laughing hysterically — and afterwards, she went from not being “woo woo” to mind blown, was walking with a new center of gravity, and went home to have her first partner orgasm ever.

I had another client with chronic elbow pain, connect with the female ancestors who had attached to her in the area of weakness, and help them all transition to the light — like a giant parade, they said things like, “Finally! YOU DID IT!” as she thanked them and said goodbye. She also connected with her deceased husband, processed deep grief, and received closure.

I’ve also witnessed clients opening 3rd eye, seeing sacred geometry, and channeling light language for the first time — or getting into their body and moving in ways they’ve never allowed their body to express, and feeling themselves breath more deeply than ever before — or clearing anger and witnessing their patience and presence shift in the days and weeks after a session, and so much more.

• Q: What kind of energy work does Jen facilitate?

Jen’s energy gifts are channeled. She is able to sense lower vibrational frequencies in the energetic field and physical body and support the client in releasing and clearing them.

Sometimes what is being cleared is the client’s energy manifestation, sometimes it’s someone else’s that the client has taken on, and other times, the lower frequencies are created by spirits who have not crossed over.

When something is being moved and cleared, the energy may be purged through the client and Jen through toning, burping, yawning, laughing, crying, primal screaming, shaking, tingling, goosebumps, movement, changes in breath, farting, changes in body temperature, total bliss and stillness, etc.

Jen guides the individual to communicate with parts of themselves, their body, subconscious, and higher self, to better understand what lessons they are meant to receive from the energies being purged.

On occasion, spirits are nestled into the body and energetic field creating dysfunction, in which case we help that spirit transition. Those who have experienced it have described it as being similar to an Ayahuasca experience in the way the energy is purged.

• Q: What can I expect will happen as the energy is cleared?

Every session and experience is unique, because each person, each time they come for a session, is arriving with unique energy to be cleared, and unique intentions.

That said, you may notice various emotions, sensations, visions, and auditory messages. When energy is being moved, it may release through toning, burping, yawning, laughing, crying, primal screaming, shaking, tingling, goosebumps, movement, changes in breath, farting, light language, changes in body temperature, total bliss and stillness, etc. You may also experience a trance-like stillness as it moves through the body. 

• Q: I want to awaken my own healing gifts. Will an energy session help with that?

Activating spiritual gifts is not like an on and off switch, (although it can feel like this at times.)

During sessions, it is not simply Jen moving energy. Each client is in dialogue with Jen tuning into and feeling into what is present within them and around them.

As a person communicates with parts of themselves more deeply, or release sounds, screams, cries, this is activating their voice, clearing energy, and tuning their gifts.

As a person feels and moves their body to release energy, and begins to acknowledge that they are capable of moving this, this is connecting them to their gifts.

As a person begins to see images in their minds eye, witnessing their deep to their subconscious messages, this is enhancing their vision and gifts.

As a person is in this space of receiving and witnessing their own power, this is opening and enhancing their gifts. 

It’s all connected. 

• Q: What is the flow of a 2-hour session?

As you enroll, you’ll select a time and date for your session. This will include a pre-session form with a few brief questions to uncover your desired outcomes for the session. On the session, we spend usually around 15-20 minutes speaking in more detail about what you’re looking to clear, and then we spend the remainder of the time clearing those areas. At the end of the session, we leave space for integration, processing, and questions. 

• Q: Do I need to have any experience with energy work or subconscious mind work prior to booking a session?

Nope. Jen will guide you through the entire process and answer any questions you may have before, during, and after the session.

Some clients are completely new to this work, but know they have an invisible block, while others are energy healers themselves looking for support of their own.

Also, remember, as a human being, you and everything around you is made of energy. You already navigate energy all day every day.

• Q: Is there any prep I should do before or anything I want to do after?

It is requested that you choose a time and date where you have space in your day, primarily afterwards to process and integrate the experience in whatever way feels best to you.

For example, journaling, resting, going for a walk, meditating, etc.

After a session, new energetic space is opened within the body. This can lead to a feeling of more spaciousness, and can also lead to additional waves of emotions releasing now that there is space. 

Some people have experienced high levels of energy after the clearing, some deep levels of introspection and peace, and some feelings of tiredness and exhaustion. Every person is unique in what they’re processing and releasing. 

Some recommendations: hydrate before and after, eat lighter, cleaner foods, avoid alcohol/substances that may lower your vibration or dampen what is coming up for you.

Be mindful of where you’re giving your attention and what you’re engaging with before and after the session as you may find that you are more open and new sensations or emotions may come up.

• Q: Are virtual sessions as impactful as in-person?

Yes. Virtual sessions are just as impactful and powerful as Jen is able to work on the energetic field regardless of where you are in the world.

Through any session, it is not just Jen moving energy. You are also learning to activate deeper levels of awareness, and deeper levels of communication of yourself. This is an experience where you will be guided to step into your power. 

Please note, this offer for $444 is for virtual sessions only. In-Person pricing may vary.

• Q: Have additional questions?

Reach out to us! Send Jen a DM on instagram @heyjencasey!

 Q: Does Jen also offer ongoing one on one coaching and mentorship?

Yes, Jen offers ongoing one on one packages, however spots are very limited. Send Jen a DM on instagram @heyjencasey and let us know what type of support you’re looking for now.

“Where do I begin? Recently returning from a magical vacation, where I invested time, money and courage into experiencing great food, activities, learning new things, etc, you get it.

Well, working with Jen Casey is like this, only its a magical vacation within!
Why vacation? One word ~ Liberation.

I was able to release a “sense” of fear that was debilitating at times due to complex trauma.
This allowed me to begin a new love for myself that I have no words for, only immense gratitude.

Working with Jen is like being held in a womb of kindness, non judgement and light. This applies to her sense of humor as well. Healing should be a soup recipe: a bit of curiosity, understanding, forgiveness, release, then mix in a hefty cup of levity and love.

Where do I end? I don’t! Illuminate your life 🙌 Yes Yes Yes! Book a session with Jen Casey!


Pure Magic! Jen’s gifts and talents extend far beyond what you may read in the description. The amount of deep layers unearth, and healing that transpires from working with Jen is truly indescribable…but I will try. She really cares about connecting deeply; learning where the core block or healing is coming from.

Jen creates this beautiful container during the healing where you feel safe and held…completely free to let deep healing and transformation happen. After time with her, I was processing the shifts for weeks, (maybe not the norm for everyone, but this is my process,) where I felt more and more free in letting what we cleared un-earth, un-attach, and completely transform.

For anyone feeling the nudge to work with Jen…I recommend it 1,000,000%! I’ve never met anyone with gifts like hers, and it is truly life changing.


Book Your Session… 
Virtual, New Client Session

$444 One Time Investment

Don’t see a time that works for you? Email us over at [email protected] with the Subject: ENERGY CLEARING SCHEDULING, and let us know what days and times you are looking for.

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