Jen Casey (JC): I am truly so excited because I have my friend, “Chocolate Johnny” here now with me. He’s hanging out inside his chocolate shop and he’s going to drop some knowledge bombs. He’s a local business owner making his own chocolate, and he has turned that into a global brand. He’s also a speaker who is featured on podcasts. So how about you introduce yourself??
Chocolate Johnny (CJ): This is Chocolate Johnny! I’m a third generation chocolatier. I own a company called Perfection Chocolates and Sweets. I’m actually the CEO – that’s the chocolate eating officer – and I get the best job in the world. We were established, like I said, back in 1939 and I love chocolate. I’ve been doing this for ten years, but through the power of live video and social media, it’s been an overnight success. It’s taken me ten years of doing it consistently and loving it and pushing the boundaries. Perfection Chocolates has become a global brand! We’re a little family-run store and now we’re international. We export all over the world and people are now wanting to come into the store. But with that, Chocolate Johnny, has become a global brand as well. I’m speaking in New Zealand, speaking in San Diego… helping small bricks and mortar businesses, which is my passion. It’s my passion to help these entrepreneurs who are just starting out and just need some knowledge, wisdom, or help. So yes, that’s who I am!
JC: I’m so glad you’re here. I don’t even know what we’re going to talk about, because when we’re live, we just go!
CJ: That’s what I love about Instagram live. We’ve already built the relationship. And let’s get straight into it:
I believe in 3 things in online business.
First, you’ve got to build a relationship.
Second, you build the trust.
And THEN, third, you build your business.
If you do those three steps, you’ll be successful.
That’s what I’ve done with Jen. We met, we talked. We built the relationship. She’s way younger than me, but still the two people come together. Two people can come together who are like-minded, who are over-the-top but also happy to listen. It’s great synergy.
So, if I get a chance I’ll go on Jen’s live. We vibe, so we know what we’re talking about, and then people are coming back with, “That was pretty good.”
JC: Well, you just come out with these great knowledge bombs; talking about how to use live video, how to use Instagram stories, how to use Snapchat. But also doing all of the behind-the-scenes, Geo hacking around how you met Gary Vaynerchuk. (I’ll let you tell that story.)
CJ: Yeah, I just love picking things apart. If there’s an app, I’ll download it. I’ll try anything and everything, and I’ll use it to see what happens, see who’s using it and where I can use it for my business. I’ll build an audience on there, and it may take years – like I’ve done with Snapchat and Instagram. But it might happen pretty quickly with some other apps, like Periscope.
JC: Is that still around?!
CJ: Yeah! People still use it. That’s the funny thing; it IS still around, it’s just everyone’s migrated onto Instagram and Facebook. But Periscope is still alive and well! It’s a great app and accelerated everything for me because it was live. I love the camera, I love talking, I love helping while being on camera and just talking about the stuff I know. And if it helps someone?
One person can turn to ten thousand people, because they just go out and celebrate you.
They’ll tell the world how great you are and how amazing you are. So, stay humble, but don’t be afraid to go and share it out!
JC: Absolutely. I have to highlight that really quickly. I’ve had many students say, “Well, I launched this program, but I only had one person join.” Or, “I only had one person jump on live; one person commented and said it made a difference.” That one person is a human being.
Some people have been caught up in the numbers and we forget there is a person.
CJ: Right, and how can you disrespect that one person? Maybe someday you’re that one person watching someone else. You want them to give you their full attention. That’s why I don’t care who you are. I don’t care if you’ve got ten million followers.
I never appreciate when I tune into a live broadcast, and the host says,
“Hey guys, thanks for watching. I’m just going to wait for a few more people to come on.”
Who am I? Who’s Jen, and Peter, and David…what’s going on?
We should appreciate those people who are watching, even if there’s one person. I like to acknowledge them, and say something like, “Great, Jonny is on from Sydney Australia, thank you for watching.” So then Jonny can say, “Wow, he acknowledged me as well.” And if that’s not possible, I’ll say, “Sorry, I can’t see your names,but I just really appreciate you being here. So let’s talk about….”
So, just that little tip can help so much, and it builds your confidence, too. There’s nothing like seeing several people are watching you and that 7 dropping down to two, right?
JC: Yup.
CJ: We’re all insecure. I’ve got insecurities too. I’m like, “Oh hang on. It was seven, and now there’s three.” Instead, you don’t see that, and you just read the comments. That’s what you want. You want people who are engaging with you, because they are the ones who are going to buy your cause.
JC: How have you seen live video change the way that people engage with your brand – especially your local business that are not local business owners? I have some people who maybe have a physical therapy space or they’re a massage therapist, and they haven’t yet figured out how to blend what they’re building online with their in-person business. I’m really curious to hear from you.
CJ: Those people in small brick-and-mortar businesses… it doesn’t matter.
I want to see who you are.
I don’t want to see your business.
I want to see that Sean is a physiotherapist in New Brunswick, or Melanie is a florist in St Albans, London, or Péter is a delicatessen owner in Pakistan. I want to see those guys. I want to see the face behind it! Today, we do so much online and we don’t go to the local shop owners anymore. Now, I can travel the world and see those people in New Zealand, in China, Japan, and France…..
I think what you need to do is bite the bullet and push the “Start Broadcast” button.
Someone’s definitely going to watch you. Someone is definitely going to listen. The most important thing is: we all started with zero followers, but you have a story and I need to hear it. We all need to hear it. So go on and tell your story!
JC: When it comes to creating content I know you’re kind of saying, “I don’t have time to create content. I’m running a business. I’m in the shop.” I see that you document a lot of what you do, but you also interject valuable information. Is there kind of a thought process behind it? “Oh, this is a good idea. I’m going to go live with this…”? What does your content creation or documenting process look like?
CJ: That’s a really good question. You know what? I just go for it. And here’s the truth: the last few weeks I’ve really struggled with what to say and what to do, but I’m not afraid to say that to everyone in the entire room. And, in return, that’s our broadcast. You think, “I don’t know what to say or do. I’ve had burnout. My Snapchat story, my Instagram, my Facebook… I don’t know.” But at the moment I think, “Ah, why don’t I tell the people that I have burnout.”
There’s so many people out there who are just pumping it out nonstop. There’s nothing wrong with taking a break to get your brain right.
But, I’m pretty blessed. You know, I’m in a chocolate factory; in a chocolate shop. I’ll pick up something silly and turn it into a story.
JC: So one thing that you definitely seem to do is you look for opportunities to create content. And I think what you do really beautifully is when you get on camera, you really seem to treat it like it’s your best friend. When I jump on your live, I think, “Oh, he’s just sending this directly to me.” There is total transparency. It’s you having a conversation with your friends and that just happens to be hundreds of thousands or millions of people.
And then it seems like you also have a theme. Like, a lot of people struggle with is coming up with a foundation, an expertise, a niche. But, you’ve got this chocolate shop as your foundation, so everything is built on that.
CJ: And that’s what you should do: Love what you do and if you love it, show us how much you love it. If you don’t love it, then that’s going to come through.
Be the window so people can look into what you do, how much you do, and share your knowledge. People think, “Oh, I don’t know much about it.” Why don’t you push that button and start engaging? Oh my gosh, people will still ask the stuff.
Social media is great on any platform. If you can’t keep up with it, you can do a live video. But, please try it. If that’s not what you like or you’re uncomfortable, then how about you write a blog? That way, you can show people who you are.
Maybe you can do a pre-recorded video and put it on your website or other social media. If you can’t write, talk into a microphone. There’s an audience that you can tackle with any of those senses. Voice, visual and hearing… somewhere, your business can thrive.
JC: I think we overthink sometimes what content needs to look like, because we’re looking at what everyone else has created. And when I watch your stuff, it’s so unique to you and your brand and what you’re doing. I think that’s so cool how you show up in that way.
CJ: And you know, the same about you, Jen. You love bringing out the best in you, and even if not a lot of people watch or listen, you know that someone will. Over the years of doing what you’re doing and having the right coaching and having the right people behind you… Whatever you say, sometimes it doesn’t resonate with everyone, but we always want to go back to that one person that says, “Jen, I love what you said tonight.”
JC: And even recently, what I said you do really well, I noticed in myself. I would send silly little Instagram stories to my close friends, but I wasn’t putting them on my Instagram. I was just sending them to my close friends. But then I realized: this is the stuff that makes you YOU.
So, I just decided that anything that I’m going to send to a friend, I’m going to send that out to my whole audience.
So, in terms of personal branding… How did you become, or did it happen accidentally, “the one and only Chocolate Johnny”?
CJ: Yeah, it was a big accident. My first YouTube for Perfection Chocolates was 10 years ago, and so I haven’t been doing this for 5 to 10 minutes. But I love all of these apps, I love millennials and I love these kids who are just so switched on and have got so much to give. These kids know so much more than I knew when I was their age. Right. So, the Chocolate Johnny brand kind of happened by itself – it was an accident like you said. I just got on everything as Chocolate Johnny, everywhere. The only one I missed out on was – can you believe – Snapchat, which is one of my favorites.
I suppose everyone called me that for years, and it evolved. What am I going to do after it? I don’t know! If I sell Perfection Chocolates one day, am I still going to be Chocolate Johnny?
I listen to the great man himself, Gary V and Gary V is known as a wine library. He’s branded himself so well as a personal brand, so it makes me think if I should brand to John Caples. But, when you start out, you’ll be surprised how you’re building your brand. As in, “I am a entrepreneur who does this.”
Just embrace the person who you are.
Use your talents to prove to everyone who you are for yourself.
It’s all about you, and I’m not saying it in a selfish or egotistical way. I’ve got to be humble, but also to be held with integrity. People love the person you are. Whether you’re called Chocolate Johnny or Jen Casey or James Wedmore. It’s you, dude. You are that person.
JC: I’ve also been loving what you’ve been doing with collaboration. I know when we spoke on Instagram stories, you loved Instagram Live because you’re a great networker. Right? So, you’re going out and you’re finding these people to connect with. So I’d love to hear how you’re doing that, for those people who are just terrified to reach out to someone new.
CJ: You just need to reflect: what are you scared of? I’m a humble chocolate maker here in Australia, 53 years of age, and I’m just blown away how people are too afraid to walk into the store. They walk past because it’s Chocolate Johnny. I eat, sleep, and go to the toilet just like you. The difference with me is that I put myself out there. I still embrace everyone, and I don’t have millions of fans. But, I know I get a bit emotional with that stuff because I just can’t believe how many people want to see me and meet me and stuff like that.
So, I reverse that. If I want to meet someone, like, Anthony Robbins. In 1998 – I think most of you weren’t even born then – he was doing “Unleash the Power Within.”
In my head, my grandfather always used to say to me, “Step up and don’t be afraid of what you want to get. Don’t be afraid to go after it, because you’re going to miss out.”
And I remember that Anthony Robbins was standing and I was around him. I just walked up to him. And I just said, “Hi, I just wanted to say hi and give you a hug.” And he said, “I love that you just stepped up.” Yeah, in 1998, I just went up and hugged the famous Tony Robbins. Will he ever remember me? Probably not. But I believe in energy – I’ve got quite an energetic intuition. And, I know that I received some of his energy.
But, that goes back to the beginning. Build a relationship, build a trust. It’s the same concept. And for all those people who want to get online to sell – stop selling straight away. I know we all need money, that we’ve gotta sell to make money. Trust me: do it the right way. Maybe it’s not the “right” way, but it’s worked for me. It’s gotten me my foot in the door. For me, it’s got 90 new people coming to my store. For me, it’s got me speaking to people in America to take on our product. For me, it’s got me on stage as a speaker. It’s got me into becoming a business coach now and mentoring.
Just don’t be afraid to say hello.
Don’t be afraid to say hello to Jen Casey when she’s on Instagram and you’re thinking, “My god, she’s so lovely and she’s so nice and she’s got such good energy. She doesn’t want to talk to me.” Guaranteed: she wants to talk to you.
JC: OF COURSE I do. I recently started speaking and I was at the She’s Building Her Empire event, and it was just the best time ever. I’m not quite Chocolate Johnny celebrity yet. I’m like, just doing my thing. I’m showing up, I’m getting value. But it was interesting how the first night, people didn’t know I was a speaker yet. It was really nice to just be able to have normal, comfortable conversations. And then after I spoke, people are like, “Can I take a picture? Sorry, I’m fangirling.” And I was like.. “…About what?”
It’s just so interesting, when we do put people on a pedestal and we make that conscious decision that we’re not worthy of their presence, or they’re not going to like us. If we go over and say hi, that’s just not the case. I mean I can’t speak for every celebrity person, but if you come and approach them just from a place of gratitude. I can’t see anybody actually being mad about that.

CJ: Stay humble, live with integrity, and give everyone love the same. We’re all human and we all want to be loved deep down. We all want to be loved.
JC: That’s so beautifully put. And it’s true. All of us. I know you said you were always kind of very confident to walk up to people and introduce yourself. That was NOT me. I was just in a very different mindset at the time. Your mantra reminds me of what helped me, Mel Robbins’s 5 second rule. Any time she has to do something scary, whether it’s going on live video or it’s making a phone call or walking up to somebody, just countdown 5 seconds to yourself, “Five, four, three, two, one.” and then go do it. What actually happens psychologically is you break the pattern of anxiety. Change your focus, and then you’re able to go and do the thing without having that story of “Oh my god, are they going to like me, I’m sweating, I’m shaking, oh my god, this is the big moment of my life.” All right. You break the pattern.
CJ: You definitely break that pattern. And what I sometimes try with the guys that I’m mentoring and coaching: I encourage them to try to use that anxiety and turn it into a bit of a positive. I know it’s hard, but, take a deep breath, pull your shoulders back, stand up tall.
I don’t care if you’re four feet tall or seven feet tall.
There’s nothing like taking a deep breath, standing up, and changing the mindset.
It’s all about the mind, and how the mind plays tricks on us.
You’re scared. You scared the crap out of yourself, but you can keep doing this.
And all of a sudden, that’s how you build your personal brand.
This person who is working their butt off, trying to build their business for 20 years has all of a sudden now started getting in front of people’s faces.
I remember meeting you ten years ago, and look what you’re doing now. I love what you’re doing and now you’re sharing everything. You’re celebrating others, you’re committing yourself, you’re serving people. You’re a servant from the heart.
And some people see you as a leader, some people see you as the same level. But, we’ve got to help these people.
JC: You’re just so lyrical about this and I could just feel how soulful and truthful this all is for you and how deeply it really does resonate. It’s so true: it just comes down to that connection.
CJ: We have to collaborate. We can’t do this by ourselves. I don’t remember who said it, but I love it:
Being on a mountain by yourself and reaching the top: gosh, that’s bloody boring. What are you going to do up there? Wouldn’t it be better if you brought people with you?
People who you are in your inner circle; wouldn’t it be unreal bringing your friends along and enjoying yourself and nonstop celebrating?
That’s why I love what you do. I love the way you inspire these young entrepreneurs, whether they’re girls or boys or men or women.
JC: I love it. This is such an awesome chat. Any last things that you kind of wanted to share; any nuggets of wisdom on your heart today?
CJ: I think everyone’s heard this before, but: just be yourself. Operate with integrity. Serve the people that are watching you and buying from you, because they are the ones who are going to make you rich. And you know what? “Rich” can have multiple meanings.
You can be rich in love.
You can be rich with money.
You can be rich with integrity.
You can be rich in honesty.
“Rich” is in terms of what you want.
If you want to become a billionaire, fantastic. If you want to be humble, with just a little home with a nice car, then do it. But, serve the people that are helping you get there. Give them more than 100 percent.
You may say, I’m tired, I’ve given them so much, I can’t give anymore. No. You can, and they NEED you to do it.
JC: It is true: when you’re building your audience, you are going to have more time to dedicate to that small core of people. And as you get bigger, you’re going to get a little bit further away from being able to interact and engage individually with people because you’re going to get busier. Take the time to really invest in them. If you have a Facebook group of less than 100 people, take every moment to really create an amazing space. And if you do that from the beginning and show up for them consistently, you don’t think they’re going to add friends? It’s going to be the only Facebook group they have found thus far that shows up for them in such a consistent and abundant way. So, if you’re looking at other people saying, “They have a huge following, I’m not there yet.”, that could actually be a huge advantage to you with the way that social media is evolving and growing today. I mean, you’re nodding your head…
CJ: My Chocolate Johnny group has more, but there’s one group that I’m trying to build of small business owners worldwide.. And there’s only 30 people in that. Have I given them the attention they deserve? If I’m being honest, no. Here’s something: don’t be afraid to say that you’re wrong. Always say sorry. “I’m very sorry. I’ve made a mistake. How can I make things better?” This is for the men out there, because I know a lot of my male mates think they are too strong. No, you’re not strong. You’re tough. We want you to be strong, but we want to see some of your weaknesses as well.
JC: Oh, it’s so true. That’s what you would do if you needed to apologize to somebody who was your friend; somebody who you actually cared about. And so instead of removing the human element from the online world, you’re just bringing it back in and being real. I think that’s the direction that social media is slowly going in. The people who are successful right now are genuine, and people are attracted to that.
CJ: Jen Casey’s allowed to have a bad day. We’ve worked hard, or we’ve worked a little bit more than we should have, we’re tired, maybe it’s hotter or colder. Those things haven’t gone away. You’re allowed to have a bad day, and just respect that you might not be back tomorrow. You’re allowed to have a launch flop. You’re allowed to have a live video that you messed up on. That doesn’t make you a business failure. That doesn’t make you unworthy of followers.
JC: Oh my gosh. Thank you so much for your time. Where can people go and connect with you? I know you said it earlier, but let’s refresh their memory real quick.
CJ: So I would love people to come to my Facebook page, that’s just Chocolate Johnny. I’m on Twitter @ChocolateJohnny, Instagram @ChocolateJohnny and I’ve got a website I’d love you to be on my mailing list. Snapchat is a little different; ChocJohnny. And If you’re watching this, I want you to share this out for Jen. She’s truly an amazing entrepreneur and I just loved watching this young lady grow to be amazing. Watch this girl. Absolutely mindblowing.
And, if you’re going to connect with me, I’m daring you: I want you to send me a video.
I don’t care what platform you’re using. Push that button. It’s going to be like, “Hi Chocolate Johnny! My name is Sawyer and I saw your Jen Casey chat.” That’s what I want to hear from you.
JC: I love this. That’s such a freakin awesome way to engage with people. Skip the little copy-and-paste messages and just get on a video. Make it personal, and if you guys send videos to me or Chocolate Johnny, we will send you a personalized video back.
CJ: Oh man, if somebody sent me a video inviting me to come and check out their location. Absolutely, I would be there. Because no one is doing that.
JC: You’re a friggin’ ninja. But, I want to respect your time. This was absolutely amazing. You are just so wonderful; such a wealth of knowledge and such an awesome human with a great spirit. So thank you!
CJ: My pleasure!