A Space Where
A Space Where
If you’re a coach, facilitator, healer, — or even caregiver or parent on their own personal development journey — chances are, you are most often in the role of holding space for others in their self-discovery journey.
You’re leading group spaces, listening to people process, and being the shoulder to cry on.
While you love being able to offer that to others, there are some days where you wonder…
“I am holding everyone else… but where do I go? Who holds me?”
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in this journey it is that:
You are not meant to hold it all alone.
None of us are.
We are meant to do this work in community, where we are all able to grow together, offer our own unique magic into the space, and lean on one another.
Mothers need mothering, caregivers need caring, healers need healing…
What are you needing in this season?
If it’s a space to be HELD, a space for support, a space for guidance, a space to receive, where you can do you own healing work, then this might be exactly what you’ve been looking for…
HELD is Your Space to Receive, so that you can Step Even More Fully Into The Coach, Healer, & Leader That You Are.
If you’re like most of my clients before they came for a Psyche-Energetics™ Facilitation, you’ve tried many healing modalities, but still feel like you have this “invisible block” that you can’t quite seem to clear and integrate.

Clients come to me with things like…
– Chronic Tightness or Discomfort in an area that have been medically cleared as normal.
– “Stuck” Emotions that, no matter how much you talk about them to explore your feelings, it is always there.
– Negative Thought Patterns that loop or pop up at inconvenient moments, distracting you and keeping you playing small.
– Behavioral Patterns that don’t feel like you, but rather feel like an external influence, ancesteral or otherwise.
– The Desire to More Deeply Awaken and Open Spiritual Gifts, without an understanding of how to unlock that in yourself.
And, if you’re here, chances are you’ve already intuited that it’s time to go beyond just looking at the body and mind for answers… it’s time to repair, rebalance, and awaken the entire energetic field, so that you can go out into the world and share your offerings at the highest level.
“Jen welcomes you in with all your baggage and gremlins and limiting beliefs and shadows and says, “Let me help you with that. You’re safe here. I’ve got you.”
“This HELD container was life changing and I mean that on all levels. The way I grew emotionally and energetically is mind-blowing and I feel like a new version of me today than I did before we started.
Jen genuinely cares about each and every one of her clients and she uniquely and intuitively caters each session to our needs. I am so grateful I found this container and can’t wait to join for more expansion and growth.
My friends have commented on how I ‘seem different’ and that’s because I truly feel different. I feel elevated, aligned, confident, and energetically so much lighter. What a gift this experience has been and one I do not take for granted.
I felt so safe, seen and celebrated in the space with all the other people in this container and that’s because Jen holds us so beautifully.
Have you ever walked into someone’s home and they have your favorite beverage waiting and some fresh homemade cookies and you just feel right at home? THAT’S the vibe here.
Jen welcomes you in with all your baggage and gremlins and limiting beliefs and shadows and says, “Let me help you with that. You’re safe here. I’ve got you.”
And in a world where people tend to build higher walls and close doors, It’s nice to be a space that feels welcoming and safe. I know there’s always room at Jen Casey’s table… especially in HELD.”


Jen’s Psyche-Energetics™ Facilitation approach infuses her Channeled Energy Clearing, with Breathing Practices, Channeled Sound Healing, Activating Hypnotic Guidance, and Psyche Coaching™ Principles, that will help guide you to new spaces where you can be held in your own self-discovery.
• You’ll get 8 weekly, live, virtual, 2 hour ceremonial facilitations, led by Jen, that will guide you through connecting to and clearing energy centers of the body and field, to support you in embodying your empowered self even more fully.
• You’ll get the opportunity to connect with Jen and the Psyche Community on calls, to be heard, seen, and supported, as you unpack your breakthroughs.
• You’ll have a shared, community space, where you can come between sessions, and to connect and explore your own inner journey.
• You’ll have access to replays of the facilitations so that you can revisit these guided processes whenever you feel called to activate new levels of embodiment.

TUESDAYS @ 3PM PDT / 5PM CDT / 6PM EDT (Recordings will be made available)
Session 1: October 15th
Session 2: October 22nd
Session 3: October 29th
Session 4: November 5th
Session 5: November 12th
Session 6: November 19th
(Thanksgiving Week – Skip Week)
Session 7: December 3rd
Session 8: December 10th
Each week we will come together to explore a group intention to focus the ceremonial work, as well as have each community member bring in your own personal intention into the space.
Using the guidance of the energetic centers, we will move through the body, to gently clear, integrate, and embody the energy layer by layer.
We will create space for you to process, release, and integrate any energies you’re feeling called to let go of.
We will spend time connecting with our ancestral wisdom, and remembering our power.
We will tap into awakening gratitude, opening creativity, and experiencing the pleasure of life.
We will explore your personal vision, embody confidence, and explore the deeper layers of your identity.
We will anchor into forgiveness, opening even more to self-love, and connecting with the souls you’re meant to walk alongside.
We will open access to vocalize new frequencies, helping you to communicate your needs, and share your soul’s story.
We will move through activating intuitive seeing, both for what you want to create in your life, as well as explore seeing the self.
We will activate channeled intelligence, integrate all parts of the self, and cultivating the expansion of your spiritual gifts.
We will create space for you to release and integrate any energies you’re feeling called to let go of, such as hurt, guilt, sadness, etc.
We will spend time connecting with our ancestral wisdom, and remembering our power.
We will tap into awakening gratitude, opening creativity, and experiencing the pleasure of life.
We will explore your personal vision, embody confidence, and explore the deeper layers of your identity.
We will anchor into forgiveness, opening even more to self-love, and connecting with the souls you’re meant to walk alongside.
We will open access to vocalize new frequencies, helping you to communicate your needs, and share your soul’s story.
We will move through activating intuitive seeing, both for what you want to create in your life, as well as explore seeing the self.
We will activate channeled intelligence, integrate all parts of the self, and cultivating the expansion of your spiritual gifts.

Enrollment Options:
*Maintaining our commitments of accessibility and quality, we are keeping this offer at $37/Facilitation
4 Interest-Free Payments of
One Time Payment of

Check Out These Magical Community Experiences
“I was dancing. I never dance. That’s how I was releasing energy. You were talking about how we hold so much energy in our hips, and I felt that’s where all the stuck energy was. Just having that movement to release it was so helpful.” – Jodi
“I’ve been trying to clear fear and it’s been quite a journey and I haven’t been able to sleep well. Something that came through was that, ‘You need to feel your feelings. You cannot just avoid them and shove them in the corner.’ I felt the fear and went through it. It was very powerful. It was more like energetic work than just Breathwork. I felt like I was in another dimension, floating at some point.” – Estefania
“For me, it wasn’t just a regular Breathwork experience, it was an energetic experience as well. I feel so much lighter and my hands were doing things and a lot of light language was coming out! It was very powerful. I just let it all out! I just feel lighter and happier now.” – Cynthia
“I have done energy work, it’s part of my balance… and my balance has been so off… I feel like this was sent to me for a reason. It was so magical. I literally became light. There was light coming out of my hands and out of my feet. It felt like I was lifted I the Universe. They took me to them. It was the most transcendent experience. I’ve never experienced anything like it before. And it was a clarity for me, ‘You are light. You are supposed to be a healer. This is who you are!’” – Kristen
“Usually for Breathwork it very much stays within the breathwork realm… but it was very much an energetic experience for me this time. As soon as we started, I got quite emotional, there was a lot of movement… I just surrendered into that and trusted the process and I don’t know, it was so magical. At one point I felt like there was actually my higher self working on myself energetically through my own hands. It was magical.” – Shirley
“I would highly recommend Jen, she’s one incredible mentor and coach in this medium.
I’ve been receiving energy therapy and practicing Breathwork since 2007 and it has blown me away of how much energy transformation & healing I received just during the live group sessions via zoom from Jen in the past 2 sessions!
I never thought this was even possible in a non-in-person interactive physical space.
I’m so honored & blessed to be able to receive this level of healing from you Jen! Thank you for creating this space for all of us with your generous time and energy. Can’t wait to grow with you furthermore!”
“Held was exactly what I needed as a facilitator! Over the course of the 8 sessions I felt so much energy move, light and gifts expand, and real-time healing happen. “
“Jen held such a beautiful safe space for me to release and finally let go of things that were no longer serving me.
She is a beautiful soul with such amazing gifts and it is not possible to fully put into words how great the session was.
I came across Jen a few years ago and really wanted to have a session with her… Then one day I got the ping that I needed to work with her and booked an energy clearing session with her. I had a specific intention for the session but it actually went WAY beyond that.
We worked through so much shame and grief I was carrying, not only my own but things I had being carrying for my family lineage.
If you are feeling the pull to work with Jen do it!!! She is magical and her session was so powerful. I am already excited for the next time I get the ping to work with her.”
All Your Questions, Answered:
Do these facilitations help with stuck emotions and energies?
Each person and each ceremonial facilitation is unique.
While I cannot promise any one specific experience, I can share that most clients report the following experiences:
You may feel the movement of energy, and emotional, energetical, or physical releases.
You may let go of sadness, guilt, anger, fear, resentment, etc.— and feel calmer, lighter, and more at peace by the end of the session.
You may release with sound via: crying, laughing, humming, toning, screaming, etc.
As well as through movement: dancing, shaking, sweating, hot/cold, stretching, couching, yawning, light language, etc.
You may see visuals, tap into inner knowings, and receive guided messages.
As always, come open to receive what you are meant to receive.
*Studies in the field of Trauma show that chronic physical ailments can be caused by stuck energy, repressed emotions, and unhealed trauma, so as we begin to move and release that energy, positive physical changes may be experienced.
What can I expect to feel and experience in a session?
Every session and experience is unique, because each person, each time they come for a session, is arriving with unique energy to be cleared, and unique intentions.
While I am guiding the session, you are in control, determining the depth of your own experience.
That said, you may notice various emotions, sensations, visions, and auditory messages.
Some clients have reported that their experience was very visual, with insights and messages…
Others found some sessions very body-focused where you may feel tingling, tightness, shaking, experience continuous yawning, burping, farting, spontaneous movements, weightlessness, sensations of relaxation, changes in body temperature, goosebumps, etc.
And some can be very emotional with crying or laughter, screaming, toning, etc.
Many others found it to be very gentle, a feeling of total stillness, and reported feeling grateful and connected to oneness.
Or some combinations of all of the above things at various points within the ceremony facilitaion.
How did Jen's Energy Gifts awaken? What do they look like?
My gifts awakened spontaneously in March of 2020 in a ceremony. Something else was moving my hands for hours as they cleared energy from the space. I have spent the years since refining my energy clearing practice, helping healers, coaches, and folks just beginning along their healing journey to clear, activate, and awaken. I have a whole podcast episode over on the CEO Psyche Podcast, 245: Awakening My Spiritual Gifts & Channeling Energy Healing, detailing the experience.
In this video, I share a short clip of an in-person facilitation from several years ago.
Jen is able to sense lower vibrational frequencies in the energetic field and physical body and support the client in releasing and clearing them.
Sometimes what is being cleared is the client’s energy manifestation, sometimes it’s someone else’s that the client has taken on, and other times, the lower frequencies are created by energies that have not crossed over.
When something is being moved and cleared, the energy may be purged through the client and Jen through toning, burping, yawning, laughing, crying, primal screaming, shaking, tingling, goosebumps, movement, changes in breath, farting, changes in body temperature, total bliss and stillness, etc.
Jen guides the individual to communicate with parts of themselves, their body, subconscious, and higher self, to better understand what lessons they are meant to receive from the energies being purged.
On occasion, outside energies are nestled into the body and energetic field creating dysfunction, in which case we help that energy transition. Those who have experienced it have described it as being similar to a plant medicine experience in the way the energy is purged.
Why did Jen create HELD?
For over a year, I hosted monthly, open enrollment, group-style energy clearing breathwork facilitations.
These were pure magic.
It was beautiful witnessing our community of healers, coaches, and leaders, come together to receive and have space held to do their own healing work.
For those, we made the pricing accessible because we believe everyone deserves to receive, and that this can be done at any price point, so long as it is done from an energy of sacred reciprocity.
So, we are making this a continuation of that offering with the one change of making this a closed 8-week container.
Why? I have found from receiving from other communities I work with, that there is power in experiencing this type of spiritual study alongside the same people, as the trust and support grows with each ceremony.
So, that’s what we’re doing. 8 Weeks together, to dive deep into our individual and collective exploration, liberation, and activation.
Past clients experienced:
- Decreased Stress
- New Sensory Activation
- Overflowing Gratitude
- Accessing New Levels of Consciousness
- Improved Sleep
- Released Stuck Energy and Emotions
- Activated the Body’s Energy Centers
- Downloaded Genius Ideas
- Opened More Deeply into Spiritual Gifts
- Channeled Light Language
- Opened Third Eye
- Moved the Body in a New Way
- And so much more!
Could this help me to awaken my spiritual gifts?
Activating spiritual gifts is not like an on and off switch, (although it can feel like this at times.)
During sessions, it is not simply Jen moving energy. Jen will be offering suggestions of what to vocalize, speaking to the body, higher self, etc., to help each client tune and feel into what is present within them and around them.
As a person communicates with parts of themselves more deeply, or release sounds, screams, cries, this is activating their voice, clearing energy, and tuning their gifts.
As a person feels and moves their body to release energy, and begins to acknowledge that they are capable of moving this, this is connecting them to their gifts.
As a person begins to see images in their mind’s eye, witnessing their subconscious messages — this is enhancing their vision and gifts.
As a person is in this space of receiving and witnessing their own power, this is opening and enhancing their gifts.
It’s all connected.
Do I need to have any experience with energy work or subconscious mind work prior to joining?
Nope. Jen will guide you through the entire process. Some clients are completely new to this work but know they have an invisible block, while others are energy healers themselves looking for support of their own.
Also, remember, as a human being, you and everything around you is made of energy. You already navigate energy all day every day.
If you feel called to this experience and are open to this process, then this may be for you.
What is the structural flow of the sessions?
Each week we will come together and begin with setting intentions if you so desire to share. If not, that is honored as well.
We will open up a prayer portal for healing, calling upon support. (This does contain a spiritual component, so I share this with you to ensure that this aligns with you and your desired practices.)
Then we will begin the guided energy experience, which will be the majority of the session.
When this is complete, there will be space to rest or journal.
And then we will close the portal and open up an integration circle, where you can share or ask questions if you so desire to share. If not, that is honored as well.
There will also be an online community for the duration of the experience for you to connect and share with others in the space.
*No previous experience is necessary!
What are the dates and time for the live sessions?
TUESDAYS @ 3PM PDT / 5PM CDT / 6PM EDT (Recordings will be made available)
Session 1: October 15th
Session 2: October 22nd
Session 3: October 29th
Session 4: November 5th
Session 5: November 12th
Session 6: November 19th
(Thanksgiving Week – Skip Week)
Session 7: December 3rd
Session 8: December 10th
What should I do if I can't attend the available dates?
While we do recommend being able to attend most of the sessions live, we will be recording all sessions for this cohort.
You will also have access to a discord channel where you can connect with the group between calls.
During sessions, I am tapping into the frequency of the space and will be offering specific things based on what I am sensing. That said, before sessions, I will send out forms requesting information about specific things you’re looking for support with. This way, if you’re unable to attend, we can still infuse that into the live facilitation.
Why did you switch from monthly circles with open enrollment, to an 8-week container?
While I loved our monthly circles, I felt a call to hold a more immersive space.
In my own healing journey, as well as during the years that I ran my year-long mastermind, I’ve experienced and witnessed the power of doing this work alongside the same community for weeks, months, or years.
There is a different level depth that can be achieved, that accelerates growth, because of the rapport created, energetic safety, and the continuous exploration each person has committed to.
Is this space for women only, or are all welcome?
It is not. All are welcome in this community.
I don’t say that as a nice sentiment. I say that because I am committed to having tangible things in place to ensure that it is a welcoming space for all.
As a white, cisgender, heterosexual, able-bodied woman, with higher education, no dependents, (among my many other unearned advantages,) and living on Munsee Lenape and Canarsie land, I hold many privileges that I did nothing to earn.
As a coach, trainer, and human being, I am deeply committed to unlearning, healing, divesting, and relearning — and to upholding all spaces I facilitate to this commitment.
I know that beginning to deconstruct these deeper layers of colonial, capitalistic, patriarchal paradigm within my subconscious has made a profound impact on how I teach, coach, and see the world, and it’s something I will continue to be learning and unlearning throughout my life.
To honor each individual’s sacred expression of their identity, we will ask each participant for their pronouns in our welcome form, as well as request each person include their pronouns in their Zoom name and/or share them during the introductions of our first intention-setting circle.
Some practices within the space include but are not limited to offering land acknowledgments, acknowledging my teachers and the traditions from which I am sharing, and requesting each person share their pronouns.
How do you create a safe space?
We will talk more about the nuances of this in the actual container, however, here are some details that I believe are important for you to know prior to joining.
From the perspective of physical and spiritual safety, I ask that you arrive on time, and stay for the full experience so we can open and close together.
To create a safe space for all to share openly, we expect a cone of silence, so that anything that anyone else has shared stays in the space.
I will hold the shares in such a way that anyone who feels called to express, will have the time and space to do so.
You’re welcome to share your process with those outside the space, to talk about your own breakthroughs, AND we do not permit sharing details and names of others outside of the space without their full consent.
Any recorded footage that contains your personal shares will not be included in any future offers or Held cohorts. Having safety in your process is sacred to us.
During intention setting and shares, you’re welcome to share, however, if you want to ask questions privately, you can do so via Zoom chat. As someone who historically didn’t jump in to share, it is a big intention of mine to honor and respect all processing styles and needs.
While I ask that you keep your camera on for safety purposes, if you feel it’s important to move off-camera for a moment to work through something, I fully honor you trusting your process, and simply ask that you come back on when you’re complete.
Everything within these facilitations are for your consideration. I let everyone know at the beginning of each group facilitation, that you are guiding their own process. This tuning into your body is a big part of the practice.
To be fully expressed in your process, I recommend communicating to those you live with, that they may hear noises from your room.
What is the best way to prepare for sessions?
- CLOTHING: I recommend wearing comfortable clothing, and dressing in layers. Some people experience changes in body temperature.
- YOUR SET UP: This can be done sitting up, or lying, but resting upright. I recommend having an open space nearby to move, or a pillow and blanket nearby if that calls to you during the session.
- EATING: I recommend eating lighter or fasting for a few hours leading up to the experience. Always listen to your body.
- SET YOUR SPACE: Light a candle, smoke cleanse with incense or your plant of choice and let whoever you live with know that there might be some sounds and noises coming from the room you’re in.
- JOURNAL: Before we start and after we finish, there will be time to set intentions and journal about the experience. I recommend having a pen and paper nearby, so that you can write down any ideas, or insights. From personal experience, after 3 years of trying to figure out my new brand name, I channeled “CEO Psyche” during a similar style session.
What should I do after sessions?
Although by the end of class, you’ll have re-grounded, and can move about your day normally, it is helpful to give yourself space to integrate your experience.
To support this, I recommend minimizing the use of technology distractions and staying away from alcohol, so that you don’t bypass any emotions that come up.
We’ll talk more about this inside of the container.
What happens once I enroll?
After checkout, you’ll receive a welcome email from [email protected] containing our private zoom link, as well as access to the online portal where all replays will be posted. You’ll also receive reminder emails prior to the live facilitations.
What is the investment for HELD?
For over a year, I hosted monthly, open enrollment facilitations because as a company, we believe in having accessible offers, while still maintaining the energies of sacred reciprocity.
That is why we are keeping this at an accessible price point, and simply bundling the 8, $37 sessions into one experience for $296.
What about refunds and recordings?
You will receive ongoing access to recordings, so you can watch the replay if you are unable to attend one of the sessions live.
We believe it’s best to make a decision based on the information you have, rather than the information you don’t. That is why if you attend the first session and decide this isn’t for you, we will happily offer you a full refund up until October 12th.
With that in mind, to honor the sacred reciprocity, community container, and accessible price point of this offer, no refunds will be offered beyond October 12th, 2024.
What if I have additional questions about HELD?
If you don’t see your question addressed on this page, please reach out to our team at [email protected]. We would love to support you in making sure this is an aligned fit for you.
Awaken Your
“Pure Magic! Jen’s gifts and talents extend far beyond what you may read in the description. The amount of deep layers unearth, and healing that transpires from working with Jen is truly indescribable…but I will try. She really cares about connecting deeply; learning where the core block or healing is coming from.
Jen creates this beautiful container during the healing where you feel safe and held…completely free to let deep healing and transformation happen. After time with her, I was processing the shifts for weeks, (maybe not the norm for everyone, but this is my process,) where I felt more and more free in letting what we cleared un-earth, un-attach, and completely transform.
For anyone feeling the nudge to work with Jen…I recommend it 1,000,000%! I’ve never met anyone with gifts like hers, and it is truly life changing.“
“Where do I begin? Recently returning from a magical vacation, where I invested time, money and courage into experiencing great food, activities, learning new things, etc, you get it.
Well, working with Jen Casey is like this, only its a magical vacation within!
Why vacation? One word ~ Liberation.
I was able to release a “sense” of fear that was debilitating at times due to complex trauma.
This allowed me to begin a new love for myself that I have no words for, only immense gratitude.
Working with Jen is like being held in a womb of kindness, non judgement and light. This applies to her sense of humor as well. Healing should be a soup recipe: a bit of curiosity, understanding, forgiveness, release, then mix in a hefty cup of levity and love.
Where do I end? I don’t! Illuminate your life 🙌 Yes Yes Yes! Book a session with Jen Casey!“
As with any physical activity related experience, always consult with your doctor or medical team prior to beginning. Individual results vary based on a number of factors. Due to this, we cannot guarantee any success, results, or income level, nor are we responsible for your success or failure.
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© Hey Jen Casey LLC & CEO Psyche® 2024. All Rights Reserved.