Episode 155
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“It costs too much.”
Chances are, you’ve heard some version of that money objection before.
What gives? You know your offering is value-packed and you know you can deliver incredible transformations, yet you’re still getting objections.
Here’s the deal: it’s usually not about the money.
Of course, there’s always going to be circumstances where investing with you really is about the money, but that’s not what we’re talking about today.
Today, we’re unboxing the reasons why clients may be voicing objections to making that investment with you & how to handle them.
Lots of tough love to keep your integrity in check in this episode. 🙂
I’m also going to be sharing some of my favorite money mantras, so read on for the list!
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- The three biggest reasons why you’re getting money objections (it’s not about the price tag!)
- A reframe for the way you think & talk about money so that you can start attracting clients who understand the ROI of working with you
How to show up powerfully & crush money resistance so that investing with you becomes a total no-brainer
- “I don’t set a goal when it comes to money. I have a standard. When my standards were raised, my entire life changed.”
- “I truly believe in coming from a place of 110 percent integrity and you can not ask your clients to do something that you haven’t done yourself. You can not ask people to invest in themselves when you haven’t invested in yourself.”
- “You either said yes to your potential or you said yes to staying where you are.”
- “It’s an easy out for somebody to just say they have to ask their husband or they don’t have the money. Sometimes those are that individual’s reality, but a lot of times they are not. Investing in yourself, especially for someone that’s never done it before, can be really flippin scary.”
Episode VIDEO:
I am so stoked that you are here for today’s episode because we are talking about money objections.
Yes, the dreaded money objections… what to do if you’re getting them and why you’re getting them.
We’re going to unbox what is motivating the objections you are getting in your business that’s preventing you from making the impact, income, and having the influence that you want to have in your business.
Why are we getting money objections?
There’s three sides to why you would get an objection of any kind.
The first side is that they don’t believe in you. They don’t know you enough yet. You don’t have that know, like, and trust. You might have a really great offer and a great promise, but they don’t know you well enough.
The second side of it is that they don’t believe in what you’re offering, which simply means you have not clearly communicated the transformation that you are going to be providing for them.
The third side, and this is where most marketers don’t spend time working through, is that the client doesn’t believe in themselves. You see all of these marketers getting in front of a camera doing the whole know, like, and trust thing, they’re relatable, they’re funny, they’re great people, they are putting out incredible offers and sharing these great transformations, but they’re still getting objections.
What am I doing wrong??
It’s because you’re not addressing the area that is actually preventing people from buying, which is that they don’t believe in themselves. A lot of times, the objections are not actually about money, but they feel that way for that person. That person believes that it’s about money. A question that I will ask people if they say, “You know, I just can’t financially make this jump right now,” is, “If money wasn’t part of the equation, would you be ready to jump in now?” That question right there is going to give you more clarity around, “Yes, I would jump in right now. It is 100 percent about the money,” or, “Welllll, actually, I’ve got these six other questions about what you’re offering that I need clarity around also.”
It’s an easy out for somebody to just say they have to ask their husband or they don’t have the money. Sometimes those are that individual’s reality, but a lot of times they are not. Investing in yourself, especially for someone that’s never done it before, can be really flippin scary. I’ve invested (and I share this with you only because it’s relevant) over six figures into my personal growth with mentors, masterminds, coaches, and live events in the last 18 months.
A couple of years ago, never in my wildest dreams would I ever think that I would invest that aggressively into my business and my growth. I’m growing faster and with everything that I learn, I’m able to pour back into my community and get a five times ROI. That’s how I see it. The more I grow, the more the business grows. In the beginning, I didn’t see it that way. I only had a few hundred bucks to my name in my savings account. The first time I invested big in myself, I thought I was going to throw up. I knew I was going to have to work overtime to cover the costs of the program that I wanted and I just decided that it was worth it.
It was all the money I had left and to me, that was a scary leap, but I made a commitment to get my ROI.
I thought I was going to pee my pants. I thought I was going to throw up. I ripped through that program and guess what happened?
I didn’t get my ROI right away…
I’m just being honest with you. I let that information sit in my mind for six months. I saw my business continue to not grow and then I finally said, “Jen, what are you doing? Why are you not implementing this?” It felt scary to change. It felt scary to do something and show up in my business in a different way because I wasn’t there mentally. I still had a lot of fear around being visible. A lot of fear around putting myself out there on social media as an expert. I bought the program, but I hid. That’s something that happens for people, too.
I’ve had a lot of ladies reach out to me about joining Pitch To Your Niche recently and they’ve said, “I failed at programs in the past, so how do I know this will be different?” I don’t know it’ll be different for you. You need to decide that for yourself. You can join Weight Watchers and you can pay the monthly fee, but if you don’t show up and do the work, you’re not going to get the result.
Spending the money is a great up-level and it gets you that first high. It gets you that first hit of, “Wow. I have just made a decision to bet on ME.”
That is the most powerful thing that you can do and no one can ever take that away from you. If you’re playing the slots in life, you’ve just invested in YOU, for YOU to grow. That’s the best investment that anyone can make. If you’re in a place right now where you’ve invested before and you didn’t follow through or you’ve never invested before, whether it’s with a course, a program, or some kind of educational piece that you know is going to get you to the other side of the transformation you want in your life, then you’ve just got to do it.
That’s not enough for some people. Some people go, “Yeah, but I feel like I’m going to vomit. I feel like I’m going to pee my pants. What do I do?” Listen, that’s normal. That’s totally normal. Why? Because you’ve never done it before! You are betting on yourself. You’re making a powerful declaration, not only to yourself, but to everyone that you know and to the universe that you are doing.the.damn.thing!
This is what most unsuccessful people do instead:
I can only speak to this because I’ve done it time after time and I don’t do it anymore. I was working as a waitress and bartender. I made so many excuses. It’s close to where I live. I already have seniority. I already know how everything works here. It’s comfortable. I don’t love the people that I work with, but I at least know what I’m getting myself into. I found comfort in the parts of it that I hated. Totally warped because you can talk yourself in or out of anything. I could talk myself out of eating a cheeseburger even though it might be my favorite food if I think about it for too long.
I went through phases where I would be at my waitress and bartending job and I would feel that satiation of, “Hmph. I know I’m meant for more. I don’t want to work like this anymore. I want more for myself.” Something would happen at work and it would just really piss me off and I would go, “I’m not happy here. This is not enough. I know I have a bigger purpose,” and that would build and then you hit that threshold. That threshold where you’re like, “I’m done. I’m done. I’m over it,” and then you go, “Sh*t. Now what? I hit my threshold. I’m mad about it.” USE THAT! Use that emotion to take action.
Most people don’t.
Most people get to that threshold, they see the doors open, and they have that moment of insight, but instead of stepping through, they wait. They wait and then they talk to other people in their life who don’t see their vision. What happens? They lose all of that momentum and energy and they start back at stage one. They go back to satiation.

April 20th, 2014: I declared to myself and the world that I was going to quit my bartending job to double down and go all in betting on me in my online business.
What happened? The satiation and the dissatisfaction was all building up. I walked into my work on Easter. There were no tables for me to serve and I asked my manager if I could go home and spend time with my family and he looked at me and said, “If you have nothing to do, why don’t you go scrub the base of the bar?” I thought he was joking. When I tell you my blood was boiling… I had a lump in my throat. Not only did I feel completely disrespected, but I felt completely disposable. I went in the bathroom and stood up against the wall with the tile on it and I just cried.
I cried because I knew in that moment that I was done.
Two days later, I went in and I gave my two weeks notice. A different manager was there and he said, “You know Jen, it’s really cool that you’re doing this, but what about staying a little bit longer? Do you have enough money saved up to take this jump? What if you just stay into the Summer? You’ll make money and then you can really jump!” He said that to me while simultaneously also saying to me, “You know, I wish I could leave. I’ve been part of this company for 17 years and I wish I could do that. I wish I could walk away.”
From a place of total love, he almost projected his fear and his limitation onto me. Had I taken that crumb and had I allowed my fear of going out on my own to take over that moment, I wouldn’t be sitting here today.
The longer you wait to make a decision in your life, statistically, the less likely you are to do it.
I remember that moment of betting on me and from there out, it was all about what courses I needed and what programs I needed. I didn’t always “have the money”. I didn’t have a ton of income because I didn’t have the clients, but I figured out how to get the money. I always did and I always paid it back because that was my mentality and that was my commitment.
I don’t set a goal when it comes to money. I have a standard. When my standards were raised, my entire life changed.
You need to raise your standards right now if your standard is just getting by and barely paying your bills.
What do you actually want in your life?
What do you actually want to create?
I’m sharing this with you because I know what it feels like to jump when you don’t see the net. I talk to so many coaches who are newer in their businesses or they’re just not getting clients and they’ve been in it for a while and they’re saying, “I’ll spend the money on myself when I get the clients,” and that’s such a backwards way of looking at investing in yourself for a few reasons.
One, I truly believe in coming from a place of 110 percent integrity and you can not ask your clients to do something that you haven’t done yourself. You can not ask people to invest in themselves when you haven’t invested in yourself. If you are seeing other people come to you with the same money blueprints, that’s your mirror. That’s showing you where you’re at with money. If you look at the law of vibration and the law of attraction, you are attracting people to you who are like you and who vibrate with you. If you have weird relationship with money, you’re going to attract people who are also in a weird place with money.
If you’re constantly bringing people into your community who are inboxing you all day long wanting things for free, are you also doing that when it comes to your business? Are you getting annoyed that people want health coaching for free, but then you’re expecting business coaching for free?
One of the things that I talk to a lot of my clients about, and this from Albert Einstein, is that you can not solve a problem at the level of consciousness in which it was created. When we talk about levels of consciousness, think about it through the lens of your emotional state. When you’re in a negative state, when you’re feeling depressed, powerless, in a state of survival, are you like, “Yes, girl! Let’s take action!”?
When you’re in a survival state, when you’re in a powerless state, and when you’re feeling depressed, everything’s a problem. In order to get out of the problem or find a solution, you’ve got to change something and change can only happen in two ways: internally and externally. Either internally you elevate your level of consciousness or the other option is externally having somebody else come in and be that objective eye on you, on your business, and on your relationship and show you the blind spots that you didn’t know you had.
There’s things that we know, there’s things that we don’t know, and things we didn’t know we didn’t know, and it’s that area and those blind spots that are keeping you stuck.
YOU are the bottleneck in your business right now.
YOU are what’s keeping you stuck.
If you want to grow, it’s not just about getting the next cool, big strategy. Forget jumping around from strategy to strategy. If you don’t believe you’re worthy of all of the abundance that is coming to you, it’s like turning the sink off. The abundance is always flowing, but if you decide to keep it shut off, that’s on you. When we’re in a negative state, the taps turned off.
Clients come to me ask, “How do I deal with this objection? People say I can’t invest this time or I can’t invest this round or I’m not going to join your BB challenge group this month because I don’t have the money.” If you’re a business coach like me they’ll say, “I’m not making money in my business. I’ll jump in next time.”
It’s so funny to me because if you can’t afford it now and the systems and strategies that you’re using are exactly what’s holding you back and keeping you broke, how are you going to have more money in six months when we launch again? Won’t you be in a worse financial position? Won’t you be more burnt out having wasted all of this time, money, energy, and effort not building your audience, not closing sales, and not refining your skill set in sales and marketing?
I realize that for a lot of us, we look at buying a course or program or hiring a coach as a price, but the reality is it’s not a price. It’s not like buying a steak, where you eat it and the steak is gone. Coaching and education has a return on its investment because as you start to refine and implement and take action on what you’re learning, the potential income that you get back doubles over time and triples over time and quadruples over time.
“I can’t afford it because I’m not making money in my business now.”
You said you wanted to get 50 new business builders on your Beach Body team.
You said you wanted to create a six figure business and have a six figure launch.
You said you wanted to launch a five figure challenge and sign on 30 new clients.
Well based on the systems and strategies you have today, are you going to be able to get there, and get there easily, in the next six months?
Nine point nine times out of ten times people go, “No, probably not.” Okay, then what are you waiting for?! To me, it seems pretty obvious.
If you had the right systems, strategies, community, and mentorship to get you to that end result, do you think you’d be able to do it in six months? They say, “Absolutely! Of course I would!” I’m like, “So you’re telling me that by the end of this 30 days, you’re going to have an ROI?” They say, “Yeah, I would definitely be able to make 500 bucks this month.”
Girl, you just doubled your first payment plan! You just doubled what you were going to invest in 30 days, so riddle me that.
Most everyday people, because of how our school system is setup, are not taught to think about money in this way. As entrepreneurs, we have to look at work and money and investing in a completely different way. We have a different lens for it. When people tell me that they’re not going to be able to achieve those goals, I ask, “With the support and guidance, what is possible, and without it, what is it actually costing you?”
What is not taking action costing you?
Beyond costing you months of revenue, months of you being able to master things that will work, and oh yeah, your time, that thing you never get back. Time is a thing you never get back, so why are you wasting time when you could be saving time, saving money, getting better results, and getting more income? You’ve got to think about it that way. On top of that, every time you make a decision you’re saying yes to something. Most people go, “Oh, well I just didn’t invest in myself this month. No big deal. I just said no.”
We’re always saying yes to something, and when it comes to sales, you are either saying yes to possibility or yes to limitation.
You are always buying into a story.
You are either buying into your limiting beliefs or you are buying into potential.
You are either buying into playing small or you are buying into the next level version of you.
You are ALWAYS saying yes to something.
When you think about it that way, it changes the way that you look at this because it forces you to take responsibility for your answer. You can’t just shrug it off. Not deciding is a decision. Staying on the fence is a decision. It might not feel like a decision, but it’s a decision. It is that black or white.
You either said yes to your potential or you said yes to staying where you are.
Where do you want to be in the next month? In the next six months? Where do you want to be in the next year? Five years? Ten years? Twenty years? When you look in the mirror at yourself 20 years from now, what do you want to be saying to yourself? Do you want to be saying to yourself, “I’m so proud of you. I’m so grateful for you because 20 years ago, you decided to make a life changing decision.”
OR do you want to look in the mirror at yourself and say, “I wish we took action. I wish we did something. I wish I didn’t put it off again. I wish there was more time. I wish I didn’t spend the last 20 years hoping and wishing and watching other people build my dream and do what I knew was in my gut that I could be doing.”
What will you say to yourself?
The power is in your hands. With every single moment of every single day, you are able to start again. Too many people are making decisions and setting goals based on past versions of themselves. I’ve had conversations with so many brilliant women just in the last week who were saying, “I wish that I could create a six figure business or hit xyz rank in my network marketing company, but Jen, I’ve failed so many times before,” and my answer to them is, “Good. I’m glad that you didn’t achieve it then because I bet now today, you have so much more knowledge around what didn’t work, so you don’t have to make those mistakes again.” Once we make a mistake and we learn that lesson, we don’t make it again.
You need to stop operating from an old version of you because today, right now, you are a different version of you.
You are a smarter version of you.
You’re a more experienced version of you.
You’re a version of you that gets to make a new decision. You were in a different place, in a different mindset, with a different skillset, and with a different understanding of what you wanted back then a year ago when things didn’t work out the way you wanted. Instead of seeing your past as your potential limitation, you need to reframe that and see it as all of the things that are actually guiding you towards your purpose. There’s a reason that they didn’t work out when they happened.
I remember early on in my coaching career hearing Mike Dooley. He’s taught me so much about the law of attraction and mindset and he shared how he ended up getting his first program out there. He had a t-shirt line with his brother and mom and his brother would design them and write the quotes for them. The business didn’t go so well and he wanted to liquidate and get rid of the rest of the shirts, so he decided to set things up online so that he could be credit card enabled because back then, it wasn’t as easy as it is today. He had started building an email list because he wanted to to share his thoughts, so he started sending them notes from Mike every day and then decided change it to notes from the universe. He sent out something to his email list about buying these shirts and he positioned it as ‘Universe Survival Kits’.
He had this email list, he had a website, he had people listening, and he was credit card enabled. Now, those are all on-paper failures and things that didn’t work for him. He decided to go to Toastmasters to learn how to start speaking and there was a guy in Toastmasters with him who said to Mike, “Hey, we should create a course together!” An audio program is what they were actually putting out there on CDs.
They put it together and he sent it out to his email list. They pre-sold a bunch, except Mike was the only one that sold any! The other guy didn’t make a single sale for them and he said, “Listen. I can’t take half of this. You were the one that actually did all the sales, so you should just do this yourself,” and Mike thought, “Oh my God! What do I do? I have all these people who have pre-bought this product and I haven’t even created it yet!” Then he said, “But wait, I have 12 months of content that I’ve been creating…”
He took that content, reformatted it, and that is what became his first audio program. One that I had listened to many, many times over. So when I heard him share that story, it sparked something in me…
I spent years in network marketing learning online business, online marketing, took courses, and took trainings.
I spent years on stage performing as a musical theater performer, studying Shakespeare, going to voice trainings, and private voice lessons every single week for 10 years.
I spent years investing in conservatory trainings, going to school, and getting a degree in psychology.
All of this stuff that I had done and all of these events that I had invested in!
What do I do with all of this? Then it clicked. I needed to step forward as a business coach. That’s my passion. That’s what I actually love teaching. When I first started as a business coach, I was teaching people how to sell on video because that was my area of expertise, sales on video. I had more on-camera and acting training than probably most people in the entrepreneur space so I was incorporating that into what I was teaching.
You never know where your “failures” are actually leading you.
We look at our perception of the past or perception of failures and we allow that to dictate how we choose to show up in the future. If you are operating from the mindset of, “I can’t have this and I can’t do this because I’ve never had to do it before,” how does anybody achieve anything then? If we can only do what we’ve always done, then we can’t ever have growth and expansion. How then, do we have growth and expansion?
We have to do things and try things that don’t make any sense sometimes, that feel uncomfortable, and that make us want to throw up a little bit because that’s the only way we grow.
Growth looks sexy – ooooh, personal development, ooh, yes! Then we actually sit down to do the work and have to get on that first live video and you’re like, “Oh my god, I’m sweating!!??”
Sh*t, when I did my first live video, I had paper towels under my armpits. I was blotting my face 50 times. I was rehearsing and practicing and I didn’t know what I was saying. I’ve done probably over 200 live videos since my very first one, but that’s why. I had to take that first step. I had to be uncomfortable and get comfortable with being uncomfortable. I know that’s why you’re in this coaching space. I know that’s why you’re reading this right now because you also have that same level of commitment to being uncomfortable and part of that is also learning how to shift your mindset around what it means to be successful, shifting your mindset around what it means to be a failure, and shifting your mindset around what money means to you.
If you guys are game, I would love to share some new mantras that will, through repetition, help you to rewire new neural pathways in your brain and build new belief systems. Right now you may have some belief systems around money that it’s hard to come by, that it’s scarce, that you’ve got to save all of it, or that money doesn’t grow on trees. These are generational belief systems.
If you think about your parents’ and your grandparents’ beliefs about money, challenge that and look at how many of those you’ve taken on.
People with money are greedy. People with money are those people. Successful people are those people.
What would happen if you decided to let go of the things that weren’t actually yours or your parents’ or your grandparents’ beliefs and create your own? You know if they’re the right beliefs for you if you feel good butterflies when you say them and when it feels expansive and aligned. When I say certain beliefs that I’m going to share with you right now, I literally get goose bumps all over my body and that’s my sign. That’s my note from the universe that I’m in alignment with my highest self and my inner being and source energy. Here are some of the beliefs that I really love to share and say:
I am becoming wildly wealthy just for being me.
Money flows to me effortlessly.
Money loves me and I love money.
I love spending time with money.
Money creates the most beautiful, magical experiences in my life.
Money provides me with beautiful luxury and surprises.
With money, we are able to serve, heal, and grow together.
My clients love giving me money.
My clients get so excited to pay in full.
I am an abundant, wealthy, and grateful person and I am grateful for all that I have now and all that is already on its way.
Money appears and comes to me in ways that I can and can not and could and could not explain or plan or anticipate.
Money is the most beautiful exchange of energy.
Money is abundant.
Money is abundance and I am abundance.
Money is me.
Money is an energetic exchange for what I love.
My wealth and value is growing every moment of every day in every way.
I speak about money with excitement.
I am so grateful for money.
Every time I thank money, more comes to me.
I love to be around money.
It is safe to love money.
How did those feel? I encourage you to come up with some of your own because when you write it down on paper yourself, it’s coming from you.
I know we went through a lot of different things, but hopefully this was a powerful reminder to you that expansion and growth and money and declaring what you actually want to the universe is all within your power. Anyone who tells you otherwise probably doesn’t have a whole lot of success in their life.
Let’s stop taking business advice from people who don’t run businesses. Let’s stop taking life advice from unhappy people. Let’s stop taking health advice from unhealthy people.
Whatever you are hearing in the world is all for your consideration, so you can try all of these different beliefs and all of these different things that I’ve shared with you today on for size, and if it resonates for you, great. If it doesn’t resonate for you, great. If it challenges you, triggers you, or maybe you don’t like it, good. That’s something for you to look at too. Why did it trigger you? What are we bumping up against?
So just a quick recap: When people are giving you money objections it’s because of one of three things.
1) They don’t believe in you as the coach and they don’t have enough know, like, and trust with you or your brand.
2) They don’t believe in the process that you’re sharing so they don’t have a clear understanding of their transformation that they are going to get from working with you.
3) They don’t believe in themselves.
That is what we talked about today to help give you a better understanding of some mental shifts that you can make in your own life and business and some things that you can potentially share with clients of yours when they are feeling like they don’t believe in themselves. Thank you so much for being here. I hope this is powerful for you. If it was, hit the share button, tag a friend below, and pass this onto somebody who needs to hear this today.
Meet Your
Podcast Host

Jen Casey is a Master Coach and Trainer of the Psyche Coaching Certification, Energy Healer, Speaker, & host of the Top-100 CEO Psyche® Podcast.
Through bringing together her love of psychology, the subconscious mind, and energetics, along with her passion for online marketing, program design, and masterful facilitation, she helps online coaches design transformational client experiences from marketing and creation — to coaching and facilitation.
She knows building a world-class coaching business, starts with becoming a world-class coach. To follow along with Jen’s work, follow her on IG @heyjencasey, or learn more about her latest offerings at heyjencasey.com.
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