Episode 221

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How do you know if it’s fear or intuition?

In episode #221 of the CEO Psyche podcast, I’m joined by Lily-Nicole Howard and we are doing a deep dive into periods of transition and what it means to trust your intuition.

“Permission to Pivot” is all about pushing aside our fear of judgment, exercising patience with both ourselves and others, and stepping into new identities.

In this episode, you’ll learn:
  • Identity shifts: How can you exercise making changes in your business after you’ve spent so much time, effort, and energy getting people on board?
  • What new business models can look like, and, what that means for you.  

  • Learning to trust your intuition: What does that look like, feel like, and what tangible steps can you take to develop the relationship between you & your intuition?


“In each transition, right before the transition, there was a six-month period of me questioning myself; me feeling confused. There was like this feeling – I think the energy was just a feeling of confusion or being lost, and almost, like, hopeless. What I’m doing isn’t working anymore, how can I make this work better? Right? And just kind of trying to solve the problem by just doing the same things and crossing my fingers and hope that it starts to feel better when – the answer has always been on the other side of the decision, “Okay, no. I’m going to stop this and step into a new identity.”

“If you’re out of shape, and you want to become in shape, you don’t get in shape by acting as if you are the out of shape version of yourself. You don’t continue to sit on the couch, and like, eat cheese doodles for dinner. Even though your outer reality doesn’t reflect being in shape, you get up, and you act as if you are the in-shape version of yourself: doing workouts, eating healthier, etc. And then, your outer reality starts to reflect that. So, I decided “Okay, I need to make a decision, I need to draw a fine line in the sand and say: ‘This is who I am now.’”

“For me, it always comes down to my intuition, just this like deep, inner-knowing of “Phew, I have no idea how this is going to work out, but I really want to do it, so, I just push the judgment aside, and the fear of the judgement aside, and kind of laser focus on what I was doing, and on what I wanted to do. I also made sure to not rationalize things, and over-explain to everyone who had questions, because I feel like that first of all gets exhausting, and also, it’s not really helpful, like, just show them with your actions rather than with your words, and be patient with people – would be advice, because, they don’t get it – you know?”

(On trusting your intuition): “You just KNOW” For me, I pay attention to where I feel it in my body – it’s like – is it getting me excited? Am I getting excited butterflies? Is it something that I just feel like I want to move towards? And I think that the most important piece of this, is that it takes some practice to get to know and trust your intuition…. It’s just starting to tune-in, get quiet with yourself, just paying attention to what you feel and then allowing yourself to be led, and just fully kind of throw your hands up in the air for the ride, seeing what happens, because, as you continue to follow your intuition and listen to it, you’ll build more proof. And, you know when we build that proof in our mind, then the next time it gets a little bit easier, and a little bit easier.”

“What I will say, is that: every time you follow your intuition, doesn’t necessarily lead you to things that you would classify as good, right? I have followed my intuition before and then been like, negative $500 in the bank account, and you’re mad at yourself at that point, like, ‘oh my gosh, maybe I shouldn’t have made that investment, what am I gonna do?’ When now, from a bird’s eye view perspective looking back, I can see what the purpose of all of that was and what lessons I needed to learn to get to these new levels.”

“Just like you give other people time, give yourself time to build that relationship with your intuition and form that connection and that understanding of it.”



“Your focus, like you were saying with the subconscious mind, your reticular activating center starts seeking and finding and coming up with ideas based on where you have your attention. So, I think that’s such a powerful reminder.”

“The more you learn to lean into your intuition and trust it, the more you recognize that you’re getting the lessons that you’re supposed to get.”

Meet Your Podcast 
 Host & Guest

Jamie King - Bio Headshot

Jen Casey is a brain-based business coach, speaker, & host of the top-rated CEO Psyche Podcast. Through her signature program, Primed to Buy, Jen teaches her brain-based approach to designing launch content that gets clients excited to buy before enrollment even opens!

When Jen isn’t working, you can find her jamming out to Broadway soundtracks, becoming best friends with every dog she meets, & introvert-ing on the couch with her fiancé, Michael.

Jamie King - Bio Headshot

Lily Nicole Howard is a Master Life Coach & NLP Practitioner; Host: Bold Bodied podcast; Focused on conscious healing, inner child healing & body connection for the modern woman.

Connect with Lily-Nicole Howard:

Website: https://www.lilynicole.co

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lilynicole.co/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lilynicole.co?source=h5_m

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coachlilynicole/

Host Bold Bodied Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/bold-bodied/id148724716

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