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Reverse the Money Beliefs that are Keeping You Broke


#1 Establishing your money beliefs!

What are your beliefs around money?



  • Is there a “right” or better or more respectable way to earn money?
  • How do you feel when someone buys you something or treats you to food?
  • How do you feel about paying for the bill?
  • How does one attain more money? Does it require work? Hard work?
  • Can you inherit money? Doe that count or must it be earned?
  • Does the work you do deserve payment? “DO it for free” = serves no one.


  • Money causes stress.
  • I don’t know how to manage money,
  • More money more problems.
  • I don’t know what to do with money.
  • I am scared that if I make money I will go into debt.
  • If I make the 10k months I’m dreaming about – it will be hard to maintain
  • If I make 10k months people will judge me and think I’m greedy for charging that much
  • If I make 10k months I will feel anxious that I can’t deliver to my clients

#2 Am I willing to accept that I don’t know everything?

  • Subconscious reeking havoc on your success + happiness.
  • Are you willing to allow money to come in any number of ways?
  • OR – does your ego NEED to earn it BECAUSE that would mean you are successful??
  • Ego tied to success = Significance

#3 Make More Money:

** How can I afford it vs. I can’t afford it!

  • How can you sit back + allow money to flow through you freely?
  • Can you write out all of your beliefs around money + then rewrite those beliefs
  • How can you add more value to the world? To your clients?
  • Does it mean you’re going to have to invest in a new certification or course to learn new skills and add more value so that you can earn more?
  • If you want to earn more, you must increase your value+ exist at a higher level.
  • Is there money sitting under my nose?
  • If I sit down this weekend, can I create a small offer that I can sell?
  • Can I flip old items on eBay or amazon that I’m not using?
  • Can I reach out to more people to ask for a sale?
  • Calling your TV, internet companies + asking for deals?
  • Calling your gas+ electric negotiating them down – pretend you’re leaving.
  • Calling your CC companies to see if they have any new cards or deals or adjustments they can make.
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