Ready to Manifest Money Quickly?

Let’s chat about the Power of Manifesting With Intention!

  • Money loves focus/intention, so set a specific number when goal setting
  • Release resistance around where money “should” go + know there’s always more coming
  • The universe knows what you want and gives you exactly what you need to get there — don’t micromanage


How do we make more money? Money loves intention. It loves a focus. It loves direction. The more clarity you can have around your money, the more easily it tends to come in.

I want to ask you, have you written down the exact dollar amount that you would like to make? When you sit down to do goal setting, are you just saying, “I want to make more money” or are you saying, “I want to make $40k by December!”?

What are you writing down? Do you have clarity around it?

This was a challenge for me in the beginning because it was like, “What if I don’t actually get that dollar amount?” “What if it’s hard to do that?” But eventually, I got to the place where I started writing down my goals.

On April 1st, 2014 I wrote down “I made…” (not I hope I’m going to make, I’d like to make, I’m going to try to make, no.) — I wrote, “I made one hundred thousand dollars this year by creating products and building my business.”

I had just gone through a training course about how to create online courses and sell them online. For whatever, as a broke waitress without substantial online success, I thought to myself, “A one million dollar business online? I can do that!”

Set those intentions. Believe in it. Ask for it, write it down, believe that it’s possible, and then you receive it.

I wrote it down. I asked for it. I put it out into the universe. And I held that vibration, on and off of course, for many years.

I trusted in my path and began to release resistance around, “When’s it going to come? Where is it? I don’t see it yet? Is this even possible? Is this thing on? Does this work?”

I released into a new level of surrender and all of a sudden “Bing! Bam!” The universe did something amazing for me. It almost created a wrinkle in time, gave me people, situations, ideas that brought me closer to it more quickly. It was magical.


What do you want to make this month? What do you want to make this year? Don’t be afraid to own it. Don’t be afraid to claim it.

How about $100,000 a month? What about a million dollars a month? Greedy? Heck no. Put down what you want. Ask for it without being without being scared, without being embarrassed, without wondering if people are going to judge you.


When asking for money, define the exact amount that you want. Be decisive. If you’ve got it in your head, you’ve got to get it on paper.

One of my clients was in the middle of launching her program. “I really want to make let’s say she’s a 10K!” “Awesome, 10K! What are you going to do with the 10k? What is that money going to go towards? Money loves that focus. It loves intention and clarity.

She said, “Well you know if I make that extra money it should really should *keyword should* should really go towards my son’s college fund…”

She was creating resistance around the fact that she wanted to put the money back into her business, but the money *should* go towards her son’s college fund.

I said, “Well there’s always more! There’s always more coming in. Right?”

“Ah, yes. There’s always more coming in.”

We create resistance to the flow of money when we attach guilt or shame to receiving it.

As long as there’s conflict around money, you will block your ability to receive that money


There’s always more where that came from. Money is just energy. Sit with this for a second. In the United States, we literally print money on machines. Money is freaking paper. We print money on a daily basis.

There’s literally always more where that came from – not just energetically more. There’s a total abundance. There’s always more. We’re printing it right now. It can come directly to you into your bank account right now.


When we’re looking at what we want to manifest, one incredibly important piece of this is getting out of the HOW.

You’ve set your intention. “I am open to receiving a 10K month.” And then you’re saying, “But HOW am I going to do that? HOW am I going to make a 10K month?”

When we try to micromanage the “how” we cut ourselves off from our source. Hold the vibrational frequency of abundance. Have faith and trust in the universe and in yourself.

One great visual is from a teaching of Mike Dooley’s. He talks about how when you’re manifesting, you’re in the car. If you want the universe to be able to bring you towards your desires, you’ve got to get the car out of park, and into drive or reverse or neutral even!

It’s up to you to make the first move. What if you start going the “wrong way?” As long as you’re in motion, the Universe will guide you towards your desires.

Here’s the thing… if you don’t start, and you just sit on the couch, and you never put down a number, there’s no movement, there’s nowhere to go from there.

When you find yourself in those moments where you get in your head and ask “How is it going to happen? How am I going to get $10,000?” Remember there’s literally an infinite number of ways that you could get an additional $10,000 this month.

However, if you’re not open to the possibility that it’s going to come, it’s not going to come.

Think about people who play the lottery. They wonder why they never win. They don’t actually believe they’re going to win and they’re not in a vibrational match with a million dollars.

You probably have that one friend where everything always works out for them. A family member gives them a car. They win a trip to Hawaii. They get an upgrade when they go to the airport. You wonder, “Why doesn’t that happen to me?” It can. That person has a different vibrational set point.


A great manifestation tip is to start with manifesting parking spots. Wherever I go I say, “Thank you for the parking spot!” before I arrive at my destination. I see that front row spot ready and waiting for me. 

When I’m with my boyfriend he says, “Manifest us a parking spot!” and I’m like, “Let’s do it together!”

Immediately or within a few minutes a spot opens up. It’s a fun little game to play.

When you write down on a piece of paper and say, “I made 10k this month! I spoke on stage at my company event. I hit this rank. I achieved X Y Z goal,” you’re putting it into the Universe’s GPS. It knows your desired end result.

There is an infinite number of ways that you can get to that final desired end result. There will be challenges and struggles given to you. They are there to help you GROW into becoming someone who can handle a certain level of abundance.

Why is this happening to me. I just want to achieve that desired end result!”

And the universe is like, “I know. That’s why I’m giving you these things. This isn’t a detour. This is part of the process to get you there. You have to grow through this. You need to learn these things. These lessons are divinely planned to sculpt you into the person you want to become. The person you were born to be.”


Your job is to be the visionary, the creator of your destiny. Your job is to be the pitcher, to throw as many balls, get into as many scenarios that help you grow as possible. The Universe is the one that’s up at bat. It’s hitting home runs for you. Keep throwing balls out there.

Go to random events. Pitch the podcast you love. Ask for the raise. Talk to the girl. Do the things that are uncomfortable.

Many of my closest friends, greatest peer connections, amazing clients connected with me over LIVE VIDEO. 

I showed up, ready for the Universe.


How do you become the person that can handle or that would earn 10k months? 20k month? 50k months? 100k months? Million dollar months?

What do you need to do? What do you need to learn?What do you need to connect with? How do you need to show up in your business and in your life? How do you need to lead? How do you need to treat people? How do you need to talk about yourself? How do you need to talk about other people?

How much time would you spend on social media if you were that person? What kinds of projects would you be working on? What kinds of mentors would you be working with? What kind of courses would you be investing in? Guess what?

I don’t care if you think you’re “broke” right now. If you’re committed to truly believe that it’s possible with every fiber of your being, those things will start happening.

I have a friend who set the intention to go to Tony Robbins. They just held that vibration. Two days later somebody called them and said, “Hey! I really want you to work on my website, but I don’t really have the money for it right now. What if I give you one of my free Tony Robbins tickets? Will you take that in exchange?”

Those things happen all the freaking time when the person who’s asking is in that vibrational frequency.


Who do you admire? The blueprint is there. The strategy is there. The mindset and the belief? That has to come from you. Nobody can do that work for you.

Today I encourage you to write yourself a check. If you want to get real crazy write yourself two checks. The first check will be what you want to make this month.

The magic of manifestation is in your hands.





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